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Third Man Walking
Your correspondent briefly discusses the series of cheating allegations tearing through th...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart's discusses some interesting hands that he played on last week's Hustler Casino live ...
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart covers a hand where he thinks he made a major blunder vs Nick Vertucci from last week...
Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
Bart takes a number of calls where the river decision depends on if the villain in the han...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart continues his review of his last Hustler Casino Live appearance played on 4-28-22.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart reviews some frustrating hands from his recent appearance on Hustler Casino Live, a $...
Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
This week Bart takes a look at a number of hands where the callers consider making some to...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart creates a checklist that lays out some of the more important variables to n...
Third Man Walking
Your correspondent discusses whether self-awareness is a good trait for a poker player, th...
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart covers some important poker checklists that will help you become a more winning playe...
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this podcast, TerpHimself talked mental game and approach for players looking to rise a...
Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
Barts takes a call in a $1-$3 NL home game where the caller attempts to achieve optimal pl...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart reviews a recent session with hands played at 1/2 $300 cap as well as $2/5 ...
Under the Gun Podcast
The WSOP is here! and it's moved to the Strip. This podcast will help guide your trip to V...
Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
Bart gets a few calls on limped pots both dealing with the same holding of T9s and he give...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart reviews his a few tough hands that he played from last week's Thursday Hustler Casino...
Third Man Walking
Your correspondent reviews new Live at the Bike executive producer Houston Curtis’ 2020 bo...
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart reviews a few hands from his hellish session on Hustler Casino Live! where there we m...
Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
This week Bart takes a call where a player build a huge pot up from out of position in a f...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart continues his review of a few tough hands that he played on and after the Hustler Cas...