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TerpHimself talks about the adjustments he's made from his full ring live PLO advice, and how to translate those skills to 6 max and shorthanded online PLO. Plus a discussion of some BigO concepts and hands.
Apr 27, 2020
PLO coach, podcaster and video maker
Ryan "TerpHimself" Terpstra has been playing live poker for 15 years around the Midwest and Las Vegas. A native of Michigan, Terp has been a regular in the 1-2-5, 2-5, and 5-10 PLO games from Detroit to Chicago. He currently plays poker 2-3 times per week as a "semi-pro", while maintaining a normal 9-5 job.
PLO Battle Plan Podcasts
Terp looks at different ways to exploit nitty players and their most consistent tendencies in low to mid stakes PLO game...
Crush Live PLO podcast
In his first podcast as part of the PLO Battle Plan series, TerpHimself describes strategies to get max value in spots w...
Under the Gun Podcast
Bart discusses a couple of interesting hands table image and then brings on Renee Miller to talk DFS.