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In this video, TerpHimself examines a live stream that he played on, but none of the hands involve him. Instead, the focus is on spots where players are not taking aggressive enough lines, or making bet sizing mistakes. Typical Live 2-5 PLO stuff.
Jul 13, 2023
PLO coach, podcaster and video maker
Ryan "TerpHimself" Terpstra has been playing live poker for 15 years around the Midwest and Las Vegas. A native of Michigan, Terp has been a regular in the 1-2-5, 2-5, and 5-10 PLO games from Detroit to Chicago. He currently plays poker 2-3 times per week as a "semi-pro", while maintaining a normal 9-5 job.
Crush Live PLO Videos
In this video, TerpHimself follows along with a CLP sub who navigates a live-streamed PLO game. Different situations ari...
Crush Live PLO Videos
Terp plays on a Livestream from Toledo, OH and makes a lot of hands. In this video he walks through the different spots ...
Crush Live PLO Videos
In this episode, TerpHimself takes a look at various reasons why to bet flops and turns, and how it can change as the bo...
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself examines spot where he uses stack to pot ratios to create a plan to get all in
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself talks about winrates in PLO for small to midstakes players, and uses his 2017 stats as a backdrop
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself debunks some myths surrounding what is considered "standard" by the PLO community