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In this podcast, TerpHimself discusses the need to play with conviction in your decisions, and provides examples of scenarios where trusting yourself led to the right result.
Aug 23, 2021
PLO coach, podcaster and video maker
Ryan "TerpHimself" Terpstra has been playing live poker for 15 years around the Midwest and Las Vegas. A native of Michigan, Terp has been a regular in the 1-2-5, 2-5, and 5-10 PLO games from Detroit to Chicago. He currently plays poker 2-3 times per week as a "semi-pro", while maintaining a normal 9-5 job.
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this podcast, TerpHimself looks at examples of PLO players being able to dominate even the highest levels, and what a...
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this episode, TerpHimself talks the WSOP in the fall, and visits some common river spots that players encounter, and ...
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself examines spot where he uses stack to pot ratios to create a plan to get all in