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Your correspondent defends "mandatory" under-the-gun straddles against recent criticism. Then, he plays a brief but fruitful $5/$10 session.
0:16 Some not-so-obvious reasons why straddles are good for games
10:10 $5/$10 NLHE session
10:52 K4ss on JJ6rAssTsss
13:04 88 on K42ssxJx6x
14:28 KQo on QT9cxc7hh
16:54 AQo on AQ9sssAxQx
19:19 A4dd on A53ssx
23:08 JJ on 854xssAx2x
25:09 AhAd on J84ccx9ccc6x
Brent Jenkins on the Poker Zoo Podcast:
The Anti-Straddle Manifesto:
Sep 18, 2024
Host of Third Man Walking Podcast
Charlie Wilmoth is the creator of the Third Man Walking poker podcast which goes well beyond strategy covering poker culture and lifestyle topics. He's a 5/10+ NL crusher who plays mostly in the Los Angeles area.
Third Man Walking
Your correspondent reviews a recent break-even stretch. He then considers recent rumors of cheating in high-stakes priva...
Third Man Walking
Your correspondent ruminates on the way poker is used for dramatic purposes in books and movies, and contrasts that with...
Top Section Poker Podcast
This week Conlan and Bart dissect a hand played from the "super" (natural BB with sb buying button) UTG. Bart had QJdd a...