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FreeLunch continues with his fifth episode of transitioning from NL to PLO with a look at dynamic flops and controlling variance in PLO.
Sep 14, 2017
Crush Live PLO Videos
Free Lunch continues the series on transitioning to PLO with the first of a set of videos that takes the concepts discus...
Crush Live PLO Videos
TerpHimself takes a look at spots from a 5-10-25 game that mirror the same mistakes made at the lower levels.
Crush Live PLO Videos
In this episode, Don analyzes the most important parts of a hand that should affect your decision making in live PLO. Al...
Crush Live PLO podcast
When opponents are extremely aggressive at low to mid stakes, are they just gambling, or is there a method to the percei...
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself examines spot where he uses stack to pot ratios to create a plan to get all in
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart discusses attacking wheel boards (flops that contain 3 cards, five or lower) discusses some recent 5-5 co...