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Free Lunch continues the series on transitioning to PLO with the first of a set of videos that takes the concepts discussed in prior videos and reviews how to apply them live by reviewing all the hands in a live PLO session. This includes a special emphasis on how to adjust strategy as we learn more about the players as the game progresses.
Dec 14, 2017
PLO Battle Plan Videos
In this video TerpHimself takes a look at how to play two pair on different types of boards and under varying situations...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
In this installment of the PLO Battle Plan series, Terp talks about taking slow playing out of your game in order to mov...
Crush Live PLO Videos
Bart played on a wild 5-5-10 livestream at Stones. TerpHimself takes a look at the few of the hands.
Cash Plays
Bart discusses hand reading and how you should think about each street of a hand differently.
PLO Battle Plan Podcasts
Terp looks at different ways to exploit nitty players and their most consistent tendencies in low to mid stakes PLO game...
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself is back to examine hands where once again he thinks he made correct decisions, and it all when up in flames.