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"FreeLunch" continues with his third episode of transitioning from NL to PLO with a concentration on post flop.
Jul 13, 2017
Crush Live PLO Videos
Free Lunch continues the series on transitioning to PLO with the first of a set of videos that takes the concepts discus...
Crush Live PLO Videos
FreeLunch continues with his fifth episode of transitioning from NL to PLO with a look at dynamic flops and controlling ...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
TerpHimself explains the importance of having a plan and anticipating how your decisions can affect the spots you get yo...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Terp goes over the final hands of Day 2 and Day 3 of his WSOP tournament run.
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this podcast, TerpHimself discusses issues with playing KKxx hands and Kxxx hands. When to push them, and how to avoi...
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this episode of the CLPLO podcast, Don talks about a few hands he played recently. Topics covered include exploitable...