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This week Bart discuss some of the fundamental concepts that are necessary to beat heavily raked small stakes NL games.
Mar 07, 2014
Owner and Lead Pro
Professional Cash game trainer Bart Hanson has been producing strategy content for over fifteen years. He first started on Live at the Bike! back in 2005, then moved on to host "Cash Plays" on Poker Road, then "Deuce Plays" on Deuces Cracked and then to CrushLivePoker in 2012.
In his career as a professional poker player, Bart Hanson has:
-6 WSOP Final Tables
-Over 15 years of experience at the table
-Over $1,000,000 in tournament earnings
-Multiple appearances on ESPN and Poker Night in America
-4th place finish in 2019 WSOP Monster Stack
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart reviews some of the many mistakes that you see in the lower 5-5 capped buy-in games. This episode also features loc...
No Limit Holdem Videos
This month, Tuck gives his take on a typical soft 2-5 game in Jacksonville with special attention on losing value.
No Limit Holdem Videos
NL is still very much a pre-flop game. In this video, Tuck looks at opportunities that arise during pre-flop play and wa...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart talks in depth about a hand that deals with extreme deepness and river polarization tendencies. Exactly h...
Under the Gun Podcast
Lots of poker analysis, a shitty canned beer taste test and another failed attempt to contact East Coast Rossy
Deuce Plays Premium
This week Bart talks about a tough session that he played at $5-10. One particular hand put him in an incredibly difficu...