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Looking at how the flop being checked through affects ranges for both players, and how to capitalize on the villain's capped range in this configuration
Jan 26, 2018
NL coach and video maker
Ki Lee is a professional poker player in the Los Angeles area. He is now an active coach and content producer for CLP. Ki authored the Curriculum course "Fast Track Poker" where most beginners start on the site.
Fast Track Poker Videos
Introduction to turn play and its role in the overall strategy. Looking at good double barreling spots and recognizing g...
Fast Track Poker Videos
Exploring the idea of floating the flop and bluffing the turn as the preflop caller. Looking at how a wide cbetting rang...
Fast Track Poker Videos
Introduction to postflop fundamentals. Discussion of absolute hand strength vs relative hand strength. How to think in t...
PLO Battle Plan Podcasts
In this installment of the Battle Plan series, TerpHimself looks at how to make a proper transition into improving your ...
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck takes a couple of calls, talks a lot of poker and addresses the tipping issue. Yes, just the tip.
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck and David Chan discuss poker, life and some secrets to the trade