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Introduction to postflop fundamentals. Discussion of absolute hand strength vs relative hand strength. How to think in terms of ranges and the importance of balance.
Oct 27, 2017
NL coach and video maker
Ki Lee is a professional poker player in the Los Angeles area. He is now an active coach and content producer for CLP. Ki authored the Curriculum course "Fast Track Poker" where most beginners start on the site.
Fast Track Poker Videos
Examining different board textures and how it affects us and our villain. Discussion of how we should tailor our betting...
Fast Track Poker Videos
Discussion of the Value of position and real life examples of the power of position.
Fast Track Poker Videos
Introduction to the Flop Play module. Exploring playing the flop as the preflop raiser in single-raised pots. Assessing ...
Deuce Plays Premium
In this week's show Bart examines the concept of floating. What types of boards can we call with nothing and plan to tak...
Deuce Plays Premium
Bart continues with a final hand review on his last episode of Deuce Plays Premium.
Deuce Plays Premium
Most great No Limit players know that in some cases turning hands with showdown value into bluffs can be a very profitab...