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This is the edited version of Limon on the 2+2 podcast that was released on 9/12/14 available to everyone free under FreeBonusCast under podcast categories. Abe talks about a lot of the live intangibles of poker, old 2+2 stories and PLO. There were some audio difficulties on the 2+2 side but the episode is definitely worth listening to.
Sep 20, 2014
The One and Only Abe "Limon"
Long time pro and author of the epic 2+2 thread regarding live poker Abe
"Limon" has been beating up on the live poker scene since before the Moneymaker boom. Not only is he an expert on PLO, Hold 'em and all things card related but he is also the consummate professional gambler.
He talked about his life and the daily "golf and beer" grind on his weekly podcast "The Limon Show."
PLO Battle Plan Podcasts
In this episode, TerpHimself discusses putting opponents on weighted ranges. How do we best attack an opponent when we h...
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself runs through PLO & PLO8 cash and tournament hands from his trip to Sin City.
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself is back to talk about how creating a simplified roadmap to PLO success isn't as easy as it may be for NLHE