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Rob takes it to the 500nl streets on and battles against lineups of entirely regulars.
Oct 16, 2020
Grinder for Life
Robfarha has been playing live poker in Las Vegas for over five years. Currently he hosts the "Grind" podcast and teaches people what it is really like to be a professional poker player.
No Limit Holdem Videos
What's the key to achieving unicorn 15bb+/hr win rates? Impeccable execution in every single spot. Marc goes over a smat...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Rob plays another live play session, with a focus on heads up play.
No Limit Holdem Videos
Rob does a second live play video on kings. Games range between nl100 and nl500.
The Grind Poker podcast
In episode 102, Rob talks a bit about getting set up online - on agent sites as well as more traditional sites.
Top Section Poker Podcast
Brian and Ping go deep into the theory and strategies for cbetting in the small blind after 3-betting the button. Goes o...
Under the Gun Podcast
This week Tuck looks into exploiting how you are perceived and making exploitative plays based off your perception of ot...