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StayinSchool subs in for Bart who is sick and covers an interesting LATB $5/$5 instagram game. He goes over several hands where he talks about when and when not to bluff and other exploits.
Jan 04, 2018
NL coach. Training video contributor
Peter "StayinSchool" O'Neill is a Los Angeles based poker pro. He has been playing for profit and crushing the LA 5/10+ NL games for years. In his videos, he breaks down recently played hands for examples of how to adjust for opponent tendencies and implement exploits for max value.
No Limit Holdem Videos
This month, Tuck returns to his bread and butter and dissects a 5-5 deep-stacked game to reveal typical mistakes made in...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Join David Chan this week for part 2 of his series on postflop play in 3bet pots
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart features hand reading this week and what is involved in narrowing our opponents range based on factors such as pref...
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck talks about the latest poker drama on twitter, about actual equity vs realized equity and to a local LA grinder abo...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Terp takes a trip to Florida and walks through some hands and live dynamics from playing in Jacksonville.
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this episode, TerpHimself examines how studying "boring" or "standard" hands can lead to improving your game as much ...