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"FreeLunch" continues with his fourth episode of transitioning from NL to PLO with a concentration on SPR situations.
Aug 10, 2017
Crush Live PLO Videos
Free Lunch continues the series on Transitioning From NL To PLO with a focus on the right thought process an adjustments...
Crush Live PLO Videos
In this video TerpHimself examines a live PLO5-high cash game, and notes some differences between the 4-card and 5-card ...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
Terp confronts the long-standing love/hate relationship between PLO players and AAxx
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself examines spot where he uses stack to pot ratios to create a plan to get all in
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself starts the PLO podcast again with a recent review of 1-3 and 2-5 hands from Detroit.
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart talks about strategies in bet sizing and how to think about choosing the right amount for value. He discu...