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This week Bart goes over part 2 of a $5-$5 game. Where to bluff catch and also where to hero call.
Nov 14, 2013
Owner and Lead Pro
Professional Cash game trainer Bart Hanson has been producing strategy content for over fifteen years. He first started on Live at the Bike! back in 2005, then moved on to host "Cash Plays" on Poker Road, then "Deuce Plays" on Deuces Cracked and then to CrushLivePoker in 2012.
In his career as a professional poker player, Bart Hanson has:
-6 WSOP Final Tables
-Over 15 years of experience at the table
-Over $1,000,000 in tournament earnings
-Multiple appearances on ESPN and Poker Night in America
-4th place finish in 2019 WSOP Monster Stack
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week Bart continues to stress the importance of hand reading by evaluating the nuances of street by street informat...
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week Bart continues to blackout most of the players' holecards and discusses how common it is that the optimal play...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart begins his two part look at calling big river bets and the factors that shape our decision making.
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart discusses a tough hand with an awkward stack and a sticky river dealing with a stack to pot ratio of abou...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
On this episode the concept of out-leveling one's self is discussed. Normally this happens when we move down a level and...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
In this episode Bart talks about spots where he had a lot of money invested and whether or not that forces him to call. ...