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In this week's video Bart takes a look at his approach to playing from out of position after the preflop raiser shows weakness by checking the flop or the turn. Hand review from a recent $2/$5 match the stack NL Hold'em cash game.
Apr 23, 2021
Owner and Lead Pro
Professional Cash game trainer Bart Hanson has been producing strategy content for over fifteen years. He first started on Live at the Bike! back in 2005, then moved on to host "Cash Plays" on Poker Road, then "Deuce Plays" on Deuces Cracked and then to CrushLivePoker in 2012.
In his career as a professional poker player, Bart Hanson has:
-6 WSOP Final Tables
-Over 15 years of experience at the table
-Over $1,000,000 in tournament earnings
-Multiple appearances on ESPN and Poker Night in America
-4th place finish in 2019 WSOP Monster Stack
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week, Bart takes a turn from the High Stakes series and covers a $2-$2 "Deep" game from Jacksonville Best Bet cover...
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week Bart continues to blackout most of the players' holecards and discusses how common it is that the optimal play...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart begins a two week episode covering the capped $5-$5 with a $300-$1000 buy in game. He focuses on when you should be...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart covers some situations where he went super thin for value from a recently played session at the Hustler Casino play...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart takes a look at some extreme value scenarios dealing in mostly limped and single raised pots. What does it take to ...
Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
This week Bart takes a few calls dealing with 5th street chicken, one where a caller missed a ton of value and two non h...