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Strategy for punishing limpers. When to iso-raise vs over-limp. What range to iso-raise with from different positions
Sep 27, 2017
NL coach and video maker
Ki Lee is a professional poker player in the Los Angeles area. He is now an active coach and content producer for CLP. Ki authored the Curriculum course "Fast Track Poker" where most beginners start on the site.
Fast Track Poker Videos
Introduction to the 5 part course on preflop fundamentals. Discussion of the importance of preflop and how NLHE is about...
Fast Track Poker Videos
Strategy for playing preflop as RFI(Raise First In) and opening ranges from different positions.
Fast Track Poker Videos
Strategy for playing vs someone else who already opened the pot. The importance of playing less hands than the initial ...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart reviews a recent hot streak in the 5-10 game that Commerce dealing with "sub optimal" limped and loose pl...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart talks about the concept of keeping bad players in the pot by taking passive lines preflop. He discuses wh...
Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
This week Bart takes some calls regarding blockers, preflop aggression and block betting.