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The way we profile players in NLH needs to be expanded in PLO - Free Lunch proposes an alternative way to profile players and discusses what to look for at the table and how to use these profiles to adjust a baseline strategy.
Jul 12, 2018
Crush Live PLO Videos
Terp does his first vlog-style video to recap hands and his experience playing PLO at 52 Social in Houston, Texas.
PLO Battle Plan Videos
Terp and Kasey wrap up their coaching session by working through some hand examples together, and also talking about som...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
TerpHimself continues his coaching session with Kasey Mills, as the two discuss how to evaluate hands in PLO, and making...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Terp takes a summer break from the Battle Plan to review Daniel Negreanu's hands from various WSOP PLO tournaments.
PLO Battle Plan Podcasts
Terp looks at different ways to exploit nitty players and their most consistent tendencies in low to mid stakes PLO game...
Under the Gun Podcast
Chicago Joey calls in, Elliot Roe gives some Mental game advice and Tuck's Mom calls Tuck out on his shit ... that and m...