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Rob takes a look his 3bet or fold small blind strat, as well as post-flop betsizing in 3 bet pots.
Nov 16, 2018
Grinder for Life
Robfarha has been playing live poker in Las Vegas for over five years. Currently he hosts the "Grind" podcast and teaches people what it is really like to be a professional poker player.
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week Bart takes a look at extreme preflop 3! and 4! spots and also examines post flop scenarios that derive from th...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart discusses hands from a $5-$5 $300-$1000 featuring five seat open poker subscribers in a tough lineup. Part 2 featur...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart discusses the advantages of playing deep with inexperienced players and pot building to maximize you winrate. The p...
Top Section Poker Podcast
This week Bart and Conlan do an unplanned improvised discussion of cbet sizing in 3 and 4 bet pots. This episode stems f...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart talks about a recent 5-5 session where he played aggressively in position due to the fit and fold nature ...
Top Section Poker Podcast
Brian and Ping go deep into the theory and strategies for cbetting in the small blind after 3-betting the button. Goes o...