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Marc talks about when we should consider hero calling and the subtle differences which make big calls profitable vs punts. He then goes over a few hands where he ran huge bluffs that seem risky, but are actually pure prints once you carefully consider the opponents' ranges.
Aug 11, 2023
NL coach. Training video contributor
Marc successfully went from playing poker as a hobby to becoming a top win-rate pro and coach in just a handful of years. The training content he produces is equally impressive as his rise up the stakes.
No Limit Holdem Videos
Marc goes over the concept of when to attack capped ranges with big bluffs and talks about when we DON'T need to be effi...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Marc dives head first into bluffs. He talks about how to set up bluffs beginning from the flop, how to size on turns (wh...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Marc reviews a plethora of hands he played over the last month on HCL where he committed costly blunders due to an incon...
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this podcast, Terp runs through a variety of hands that illustrate common spots, and encourages listeners to use a "w...
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck talks sports and sports betting, and termites before delving into a couple of hands he played in Portugal
Crush Live Poker Podcast
Bart discusses how it is important to depolarize your river value betting range. Most weaker players bet only when they ...