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Marc Goone reviews several CLP Subscriber hands focusing on playing 3bet pots in position.
Feb 09, 2024
NL coach. Training video contributor
Marc successfully went from playing poker as a hobby to becoming a top win-rate pro and coach in just a handful of years. The training content he produces is equally impressive as his rise up the stakes.
No Limit Holdem Videos
What's the key to achieving unicorn 15bb+/hr win rates? Impeccable execution in every single spot. Marc goes over a smat...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Peter, AKA Stayinschool, goes over some hands he played vs other professional, for profit players in his pool. He covers...
No Limit Holdem Videos
David Chan discusses optimal preflop play in 3+bet pots.
Crush Live PLO podcast
Terp takes a trip to Florida and walks through some hands and live dynamics from playing in Jacksonville.
Top Section Poker Podcast
As a continuation from last week, Ping goes over with Brian some hand histories he played in this specific CO versus BTN...
Top Section Poker Podcast
This week Brian and Ping analysis 3 hands Ping played at the Aria in a 25/50 100 BBA game. All of the hands are against ...