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Showcasing never before seen hands from Poker Night in America in Florida, I bring you another high stakes hand review. In today's episode, we'll cover bet sizing strategy, live tells, and how to use my 'hand range funnel' to deduce exactly what your opponents have, and then use that information to make winning decisions at the poker table. I leave you with some homework as well, and even show you the exact process I use after each hand to review.
Dec 23, 2016
No Limit Holdem Videos
Continuing on from my last Poker Night in America session from Pittsburg I bring you the latest episode of high stakes h...
No Limit Holdem Videos
In this shot-gun format HH review, Ki blurs out the villains hand and invites the viewer to follow the action with him. ...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Ki reviews all his hands from a recent 25/50 session in a "shot-gun" format where the viewer can get a glimpse into what...
PLO Battle Plan Podcasts
In this podcast, TerpHimself highlights common mistakes that are made at the low and mid stakes PLO player pool in a liv...
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck talks about what he's been up to since the WSOP and analyzes his play on day 2 of the main event
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck discusses three interesting hands including one where he flopped a huge draw, but wasn't sure what the optimal line...