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This week Limon attempts to answer one of the oldest questions in gambling—what exactly is poker? He starts to come to the conclusion that poker doesn’t really exist as an entity it is just a vehicle that people use for different purposes.
May 19, 2014
The One and Only Abe "Limon"
Long time pro and author of the epic 2+2 thread regarding live poker Abe
"Limon" has been beating up on the live poker scene since before the Moneymaker boom. Not only is he an expert on PLO, Hold 'em and all things card related but he is also the consummate professional gambler.
He talked about his life and the daily "golf and beer" grind on his weekly podcast "The Limon Show."
Under the Gun Podcast
Lots of poker analysis, a shitty canned beer taste test and another failed attempt to contact East Coast Rossy
The Limon Show podcast
This week Abe takes another trip into the old grab bag answering questions from the topic suggestions thread in the Limo...
Deuce Plays Premium
In this week's show Bart discusses the importance of good bankroll management. Many players when transitioning to full t...