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In episode 26, Rob records from beautiful San Jose CA and gives some thoughts on trying new things in new places.
Feb 18, 2017
Grinder for Life
Robfarha has been playing live poker in Las Vegas for over five years. Currently he hosts the "Grind" podcast and teaches people what it is really like to be a professional poker player.
The Grind Poker podcast
In episode 63, Rob talks abotu diversifying your income within poker. New game types, new mediums and devoloping differe...
The Grind Poker podcast
Rob takes a look at the importance of doing the same things day in and day out, as well as greasing the groove to get th...
Surreal Advantage podcast
Ever wonder why you have days where you feel "on" or "off" in your work or play? Daliman discusses that, as well as risk...