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While Pot-limit Omaha is a high variance game Pot-limit Omaha Hi-Lo strongly favors the skilled player and it can be very difficult for a bad player to even win in a single session.
Sep 08, 2015
Owner and Lead Pro
Professional Cash game trainer Bart Hanson has been producing strategy content for over fifteen years. He first started on Live at the Bike! back in 2005, then moved on to host "Cash Plays" on Poker Road, then "Deuce Plays" on Deuces Cracked and then to CrushLivePoker in 2012.
In his career as a professional poker player, Bart Hanson has:
-6 WSOP Final Tables
-Over 15 years of experience at the table
-Over $1,000,000 in tournament earnings
-Multiple appearances on ESPN and Poker Night in America
-4th place finish in 2019 WSOP Monster Stack
The Grind Poker podcast
In the fifth episode of The Grind, host Rob Farha takes you through his approach to the mental game in poker and how he ...
Strategy Soundbites from Bart on 2+2 Podcast
Most of the money at the higher stakes of poker is won and loss through steaming. At the mid and low stakes it is import...
The Limon Show podcast
Join Abe this week as he discusses advantage play and then welcomes special guest Zach Freeman for strategy discussion w...