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#57: Consistency Versus Variety

Your correspondent looks back on his approach to poker in 2022 and looks ahead to 2023. Along the way, he wonders whether it's better to stay in one stake at one casino, or to play a variety of NLHE cash games at different venues. Then, he reviews a 5/10 (and then 5/10/20) cash session.

0:18 How much I played poker in 2022
0:59 The advantages of usually playing at the same casino
4:09 The case for playing at a variety of casinos and stakes

7:45 5/10 NLHE session
9:14 66 on J65cxcQx
13:01 KK all-in preflop
14:45 AQcc on 882rQhh7hhh
19:01 QdQx on J76ddxKddd
22:00 AQo on QT2r6cc9ccc
23:55 AA on JJ9rQcc6x
25:26 QQ on 853ddx7hhTx

Discussion on this episode: CLICK HERE

Jan 18, 2023

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Wilmoth BW

Charlie Wilmoth

Host of Third Man Walking Podcast