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In part 6 of his transitioning from NL to PLO series Freelunch applies the concept of Bart's Cbetting Matrix and applies to to PLO
Oct 12, 2017
Crush Live PLO Videos
In this episode, TerpHimself takes a look at various reasons why to bet flops and turns, and how it can change as the bo...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
TerpHimself explains the importance of having a plan and anticipating how your decisions can affect the spots you get yo...
Crush Live PLO Videos
"FreeLunch" continues with his third episode of transitioning from NL to PLO with a concentration on post flop.
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This is part one of a two part review episode where Bart covers some interesting spots in a recent $2/$5 half NL half PL...
Top Section Poker Podcast
This week Brian and Ping review some hands Brian played on the Pokerbros regarding some turn cbetting. Some spots reinfo...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart discusses attacking wheel boards (flops that contain 3 cards, five or lower) discusses some recent 5-5 co...