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Stack-to-Pot ratio. Discussion of the importance of SPR and how it affects our strategy. How to calculate SPR.
Dec 22, 2017
NL coach and video maker
Ki Lee is a professional poker player in the Los Angeles area. He is now an active coach and content producer for CLP. Ki authored the Curriculum course "Fast Track Poker" where most beginners start on the site.
Fast Track Poker Videos
Expected Value - the concept of how profitable a play will be in the long run. Discussing the importance of understandin...
Fast Track Poker Videos
Constructing an optimal value to bluff ratio and utilizing the optimal sizing so that the villain will be indifferent to...
Fast Track Poker Videos
How to apply the concepts of implied odds, SPR, EV, and indifference in real life. One hand is broken down in detail usi...
Top Section Poker Podcast
This week Conlan and Bart bring on a Top Section subscriber, SquishMytomato, to discuss some recent hands that he played...
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck talks about his experience as a bounty and analyzes a few of his hands at Bay 101 for the WPT Shooting Star.
Deuce Plays Premium
This week Bart discusses many hands that have been recently submitted from subscribers. Bart breaks down the mistakes so...