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Hand reading in PLO has several important differences from NLH. Free Lunch talks about the hand reading process in plo,how it is the same and different from PLO, and starts a multi video session review focused on hand reading.
Jun 14, 2018
Crush Live PLO Videos
Terp does his first vlog-style video to recap hands and his experience playing PLO at 52 Social in Houston, Texas.
PLO Battle Plan Videos
Terp and Kasey wrap up their coaching session by working through some hand examples together, and also talking about som...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
Terphimself discusses varying your 4-bet strategy based on opponents, and provides some range thoughts vs players who bl...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Terp recaps his trip to play on Live At The Bike and breaks down some key hands that happened on stream.
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself talks about some PLO spots where the majority of his player pool will call, but he decides to fold and give ...
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself headed to Chicago to play PLO during the CPC, and he returned with hands to review.