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On a session Marc recently commentated - he reviews popular vlogger Mariano's hands and plays from his perspective in a soft, passive live stream game. How can we win the most amount of money playing exploit based poker in typical soft lineups?
Sep 09, 2022
NL coach. Training video contributor
Marc successfully went from playing poker as a hobby to becoming a top win-rate pro and coach in just a handful of years. The training content he produces is equally impressive as his rise up the stakes.
No Limit Holdem Videos
Is $100/hr possible at $5/5 $1k cap? Marc Goone jumps into Episode 2 of a multi-part series to find out! FORUM DISCUSS...
No Limit Holdem Videos
What's the key to achieving unicorn 15bb+/hr win rates? Impeccable execution in every single spot. Marc goes over a smat...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Marc Goone returns to $5/5 in an attempt to make $100/hr. In this video he walks thru every significant hand he plays in...
Top Section Poker Podcast
The Ignition/Bovada zone player pool was unusually large one evening and Brian and Ping both decided to hop and found th...
Under the Gun Podcast
Kane Kalas joins Tuck this week to discuss the big 2 milly pot he was involved in, his bearish call on Crypto, what exac...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart goes over a few hands that demonstrate what he says is one of the fundamental flaws in the logic and thin...