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Don attempts to find the best play for two different common spots by using a simplified mathematical model for each spot, and then applying poker intuition afterwards.
Feb 19, 2015
Poker Pro, Blogger, and Coach PLO/NLHE
Don "Aesah" Ding has an intense passion for poker and plays live daily. He has logged thousands of hours at varying stakes in venues all over the US with outstanding results. While he plays live Pot Limit Omaha as his primary game, he also plays live No Limit Hold ’em and is very well acquainted with today's poker landscape.
Don is the author of one of the most popular threads in 2+2 history Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker. He is the resident coach and expert in PLO on CrushLivePoker and produces live PLO training videos.
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TerpHimself takes a look at spots from a 5-10-25 game that mirror the same mistakes made at the lower levels.
Crush Live PLO Videos
Terp begins a "Fast Track" version of how to crush low and mid stakes PLO with two core concept videos: The importance o...
Crush Live PLO Videos
Don uses an equity calculator (ProPokerTools) to determine the "correct" play using a mathematical approach in some comm...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
In today's episode Bart discusses his upcoming trip to Los Angeles to play and commentate on Hustler Casino Live, review...
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this podcast, TerpHimself dives into the three key elements of well-timed aggression when it comes to semi-bluffing o...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Terp headed to the WSOP Circuit series in Chicago, and ran deep in the $600 PLO Ring event. He breaks down his tournamen...