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In this episode, TerpHimself talks about the adjustments to make when you climb in stakes and find yourself in a reg-heavy game with competent players. How to adjust to them, and what adjustments they make.
Dec 09, 2021
PLO coach, podcaster and video maker
Ryan "TerpHimself" Terpstra has been playing live poker for 15 years around the Midwest and Las Vegas. A native of Michigan, Terp has been a regular in the 1-2-5, 2-5, and 5-10 PLO games from Detroit to Chicago. He currently plays poker 2-3 times per week as a "semi-pro", while maintaining a normal 9-5 job.
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These courses are structured to create a foundational understanding of the most essential concepts to beat live Pot Limit Omaha cash games, and a battle plan for their execution
See All PLO Battle Plan modulesPLO Battle Plan Videos
In this video, TerpHimself discusses how donk betting is actually an important part of a player's game in certain situat...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
In part 2 of the series, Terphimself and "PokermommAA" Kasey Mills talk in depth about three key live PLO concepts.
PLO Battle Plan Videos
Terp confronts the long-standing love/hate relationship between PLO players and AAxx
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself takes a look bad at some changes and improvements he's seen in the player pool in 2024, and some adjustments...
Crush Live PLO podcast
In this month's podcast, TerpHimself talks about ways to talk to other players at the table, and how what you say can in...
Crush Live PLO podcast
TerpHimself goes over different river bluff spots, and how to steal pots away by leveraging a number of factors.