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Rob examines more cbet situations in single raised pots, with a focus on how to attack people cbetting too frequently.
Jul 15, 2017
Grinder for Life
Robfarha has been playing live poker in Las Vegas for over five years. Currently he hosts the "Grind" podcast and teaches people what it is really like to be a professional poker player.
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week Bart examines floating. The times that you can do it in and out of position and when is it most profitable.
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart begins a two part episode focusing on difficult spots you may face in a cash game. What would professionals do in t...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Bart discusses hands from a $5-$5 no limit cash game. This episode features analysis of spots that include playing aces ...
Top Section Poker Podcast
David and Conlan explore hands they played recently. They go over hands that explore preflop, overbetting, defending vs ...
Strategy Soundbites from Bart on 2+2 Podcast
There are a number of different factors to lead to the decision of whether or not to Cbet as a bluff as the preflop rais...
Deuce Plays Premium
In this week's podcast Bart examines the complex concept of continuation betting as a bluff. What are the factors that m...