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Don does 3 new things in this video! One, going into hands blind without prior knowledge of results. Two, new footage from Stones Gambling Hall located in NorCal. Third, reviews hands with Sol Reader, a winning reg from London (author of
Jun 09, 2016
Poker Pro, Blogger, and Coach PLO/NLHE
Don "Aesah" Ding has an intense passion for poker and plays live daily. He has logged thousands of hours at varying stakes in venues all over the US with outstanding results. While he plays live Pot Limit Omaha as his primary game, he also plays live No Limit Hold ’em and is very well acquainted with today's poker landscape.
Don is the author of one of the most popular threads in 2+2 history Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker. He is the resident coach and expert in PLO on CrushLivePoker and produces live PLO training videos.
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See All modulesPLO Battle Plan Videos
In this video, TerpHimself expands upon the hand reading skills subscribers have learned in previous material, and exami...
PLO Battle Plan Videos
TerpHimself explains the importance of having a plan and anticipating how your decisions can affect the spots you get yo...
Crush Live PLO Videos
TerpHimself is back with hand examples of how not to play certain hands. He delves into ways to avoid getting in spots w...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Don talks about some hands where the villain has capped his range due to a variety of reasons including actions on previ...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Don goes over 3 hands he played at 5/10 PLO and breaks down his opponents ranges to attempt to make the most +EV decisio...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Don reviews 3 hands he played at the Commerce 5-5-10 involving interesting river decisions.