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Peter goes over some hands he played recently where he was considering bluffcatching and read into his opponent’s betsize. These hands are examples of exceptions to the general rules in live poker that big bets = big hands
Aug 16, 2024
NL coach. Training video contributor
Peter "StayinSchool" O'Neill is a Los Angeles based poker pro. He has been playing for profit and crushing the LA 5/10+ NL games for years. In his videos, he breaks down recently played hands for examples of how to adjust for opponent tendencies and implement exploits for max value.
No Limit Holdem Videos
This month, Tuck takes a look at some bluffs (and other situations) that didn't go as planned. But were they bad decisio...
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week Bart covers a number of different hands where he stabs in good bluffing situations. He also gets bluffed, and ...
No Limit Holdem Videos
This week Bart examines the concept of making hero calls. What is some of the most important information that you must l...
Top Section Poker Podcast
This week Brian and Ping discuss two hands played by Ping where he got into very unique turn and river situations agains...
Under the Gun Podcast
Tuck delves into the 2018 NFL season and is finally back at the poker tables grinding out small wins
Crush Live PLO podcast
Don analyzes 3 hands which involve bluffcatching on the river from both the perspective of the bluffer and the bluffcatc...