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From Poker Night in America at Choctaw, Oklahoma, check out my latest video where I share bet sizing, game theory and range balancing insights which will take your game to the next level!
Mar 24, 2017
No Limit Holdem Videos
In this Video Ki blurs our all hands and walks through building betting and checking ranges in various spots. The viewer...
No Limit Holdem Videos
In this shot-gun format HH review, Ki blurs out the villains hand and invites the viewer to follow the action with him. ...
No Limit Holdem Videos
Ki reviews all his hands from a recent 25/50 session in a "shot-gun" format where the viewer can get a glimpse into what...
Crush Live PLO podcast
Terp recaps his trip to play on Live At The Bike and breaks down some key hands that happened on stream.
Top Section Poker Podcast
This week Conlan dives into more advanced Pio Solver concepts as he introduces "node locking". How do we use Pio if we t...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart talks about constructing a hand from the start in order to create an accurate range for your opponent. He...