Your correspondent reflects on his recent tournament frustrations and upon the difficulty of assessing his level of ability.
0:48 An announcement
2:21 Tournament session review: $1100 LAPC event
6:24 800 bb KQdd on K96xxdJdd
15:17 Bullet no. 2
15:56 600 bb KThh on Q97hhxTxKx
18:57 800 bb AKdd vs AQcc all-in preflop
20:18 $1100 satellite review
20:29 1500 bb J8o on QT5hxxAhh
23:58 General tournament thoughts and anxieties
[email protected]
Mar 01, 2022
Host of Third Man Walking Podcast
Charlie Wilmoth is the creator of the Third Man Walking poker podcast which goes well beyond strategy covering poker culture and lifestyle topics. He's a 5/10+ NL crusher who plays mostly in the Los Angeles area.