#32: Tips for Aspiring Pros

Your correspondent lists 12 tips for poker players who'd like to play the game for living.

1:54 Consider other options
3:15 Be realistic
4:13 Understand how you think about money
5:14 Ask yourself if you're a gambling addict
5:29 Focus on cash games unless you have good reasons not to
6:32 Learn from other pros, but don't compare yourself to them too much
9:29 Don't be ego-driven
10:48 Work hard
12:16 Learn about money
14:09 Create a lifestyle that's sustainable for you
15:46 Be open to side revenue streams
16:33 Keep your eye on the exit

17:10 5/10 NLH session
17:33 KJhh on 864hhx5dd
21:44 K7hh on K75r6hhQx
25:34 KK on 654r3ss
28:09 QTss on J94ssx8sss

[email protected]

Jan 04, 2022

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Wilmoth BW

Charlie Wilmoth

Host of Third Man Walking Podcast

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