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Tuck talks politics, sports betting, betting on elections, betting on NL HU grudge matches. Lots of betting as we preview the Polk/Negreanu HU match with Kane Kalas
Oct 31, 2020
Poker Pro and Commentator
David Tuchman has been consistently beating up on the $5-$5 and $5-10 NL games in Los Angeles for the past ten years. His ability to put players on "tilt" is second to none.
David also is the lead commentator for the’s webcasts of WSOP final tables. Along with co-hosting "Live at the Bike" David has commentated on more hands than anyone in the entire industry. He is commonly a guest on the Crush Live Poker podcast and has filled in for Bart as the lead host on several different occasions.
Surreal Advantage podcast
In an effort to give a feel for the ups and downs of being a professional gambler, Daliman recorded multiple times over ...
Strategy Soundbites from Bart on 2+2 Podcast
You can bet very thin on scary rivers as your opponents will likely think you are polarized leading to much wider calls....
Crush Live Poker Podcast
In this episode Bart revisits some the advanced concepts of combo bets and reverse pot odds using examples of high stake...