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Your correspondent revisits the 2007 poker film “Lucky You,” then discusses a $5/$5/$10 session that left him shrugging to himself about the quality of his play.
0:20 Brief life/wildfire update
1:45 "Lucky You"
14:05 $5/$5/$10 session
14:13 On the types of "action" players currently playing in public mid-stakes games
18:27 TT on KT6sxs2sss
20:34 Double-board PLO bomb pot with Jh992.
First board: 9644.
Second board KhQh5x (?) Ahhh
23:01 KsKh on J82ccx5ddTddd
25:11 JJ on A74xssKx2x
29:05 A5hh on T62hhx7hhh7x
31:47 Conclusion
Jan 15, 2025
Host of Third Man Walking Podcast
Charlie Wilmoth is the creator of the Third Man Walking poker podcast which goes well beyond strategy covering poker culture and lifestyle topics. He's a 5/10+ NL crusher who plays mostly in the Los Angeles area.
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