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The four part journey concludes this week with a discussion about carrying large sums of cash, more name association and finally a soul searching journey to find the safest fast food restaurant to take a leak off of the I-15.
May 12, 2014
The One and Only Abe "Limon"
Long time pro and author of the epic 2+2 thread regarding live poker Abe
"Limon" has been beating up on the live poker scene since before the Moneymaker boom. Not only is he an expert on PLO, Hold 'em and all things card related but he is also the consummate professional gambler.
He talked about his life and the daily "golf and beer" grind on his weekly podcast "The Limon Show."
The Grind Poker podcast
Host Rob Farha talks about dealing with motivational issues, as well as tips to make your time more efficient.
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart discusses how he got disqualified from his blackjack freeroll tournament, what he learned from it and a v...
Crush Live Poker Podcast
This week Bart takes a look at a couple of big hands while playing super deep at the Commerce $5-10 game.