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Your correspondent offers a prescription for the recent controversy surrounding Jonathan Tamayo's victory in the Main Event of the World Series of Poker. He then discusses potential cheating in online poker and -- ugh -- public live poker games, and finds parallels between what's happening now and descriptions of the early days of poker in James McManus' "Cowboys Full." Then, he reviews a profitable but sloppy session of $5/$10 NLHE.
0:20 What can be done to address bad optics and a potentially unfair competitive environment in the World Series of Poker Main Event, and in live poker more broadly
Will Jaffe's tweet:
Alan Keating's tweet:
Apestyles on the Thinking Poker Podcast:
"Recent reports out of Paris ...":
Only Friends podcast episode on the alleged live poker cheating ring:
14:43 $5/$10 NLHE session
15:05 AA on K76r
16:00 KK all-in preflop
16:38 QJo on Q72xdd
18:58 QJhh KJ5hcc6x5x
21:08 KQo (both black cards) on KK5xdd6hh4hhh
23:48 JThh on 422hhx5xKx
25:55 AA all-in preflop
26:41 A9ss K87sxx5dd
Aug 07, 2024
Host of Third Man Walking Podcast
Charlie Wilmoth is the creator of the Third Man Walking poker podcast which goes well beyond strategy covering poker culture and lifestyle topics. He's a 5/10+ NL crusher who plays mostly in the Los Angeles area.
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