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Your correspondent ties off some loose ends from the last episode about private games, sharing his own limited experience playing in them. He also reviews a session where he made a disastrous call.
0:55 Private games compared to home games
2:27 What are private games actually like?
6:35 My experience with a private game in a casino
9:18 What can be done about more and more games going private?
11:58 5/10/20 and 5/10/20/40 session
12:40 (at 5/10/20) AJdd on KJJ6r4
15:36 (at 5/10/20/40) AQo (no heart, no club) on A76hxhTccJx
23:53 A2o on A7778
25:25 AhKx on AK2xhh
27:20 AxKs all-in preflop
Oct 04, 2023
Host of Third Man Walking Podcast
Charlie Wilmoth is the creator of the Third Man Walking poker podcast which goes well beyond strategy covering poker culture and lifestyle topics. He's a 5/10+ NL crusher who plays mostly in the Los Angeles area.
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Crush Live Call Ins Podcast
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